Property building, Swimming Pool in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang

Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang


Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danangへようこそ。ベトナムの活気ある街、ホイアンに位置する豪華な5つ星リゾートです。ディエンバン地区のディエンノック区に位置するラックロンクアン通りに位置し、このビーチフロントホテルはエレガンスとリラックスの完璧なバランスを提供します。息をのむような海の景色とプライベートビーチエリアで、リゾートが提供するすべてを楽しんでリラックスできます。リゾートには、屋外スイミングプールや専用の子ども用プールで泳ぐことができます。スチームルームやサウナで贅沢を堪能したり、無料のフィットネスセンターでフィットネスを維持したりできます。レストランやバーを含む幅広いダイニングオプションで、食事に困ることはありません。リゾートでは、無料のWiFi、ルームサービス、便利な24時間対応のフロントデスクも提供しています。58のレビューを持つShilla Monogram Quangnam Danangは、卓越したサービスと快適さで評判を築いています。広々とした防音ルームからバルコニーからの素晴らしい景色まで、ゲストはこのリゾートで体験した豪華な体験について絶賛しています。ですので、ビーチでリラックスしたり、近くの観光スポットを探索したり、美しい環境を楽しんだりしたい場合、Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danangは次のバケーションのための完璧な目的地です。価格は1泊$134からです。

Bedroom, TV/Entertainment Center in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang
Facade/entrance in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang


Corner Suite Double Ocean View with Monogram Lounge Access - Mini-bar included once per stay, Daily Guest Activities in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang


1 キングサイズベッド


605 平方フィート

Corner Suite Monogram, オーシャンビュー, ラウンジアクセス





Monogram 4-Bedroom Beachfront Villa - Mini-bar included once per stay, Daily Guest Activities in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang


4 ソファベッド

4 ダブルベッド


10615 平方フィート

Monogram Villa, 4ベッドルーム, ビーチフロント





Monogram Suite Twin Ocean View with Monogram Lounge Access - Mini-bar included once per stay, Daily Guest Activities in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang


2 クイーンサイズベッド

1 ソファベッド


785 平方フィート

Monogram Suite, シングル, オーシャンビュー, ラウンジアクセス






Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danangが提供する素晴らしいプールで涼んで楽しむ準備ができたら、他にはない選択肢はありません。あらゆるニーズと好みに合わせた複数のプールをご用意しています。幼いお子様連れのファミリー向けには、安全に遊び回ることができる浅いエンドが特徴の2つの子供用プールをご用意しています。これらのプールは年間を通して利用可能なので、いつ訪れても爽やかな泳ぎを楽しむことができます。より静かな体験を求める大人の方々には、大人専用プールがあり、静かにリラックスしてくつろぐことができます。素晴らしい景色と浅いエンドが特徴で、静かなリラックスに最適な環境を提供しています。


Lobby or reception in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang
Property Building in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang


Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danangでは、お客様の快適さと利便性を最優先に考えています。そのため、マスターカード、JCB、アメリカンエクスプレス、ビザ、ダイナーズクラブ、ユニオンペイなどさまざまな支払い方法を受け付けており、滞在中のスムーズでストレスフリーな体験を保証しています。現金で支払いたい方も、ご希望のクレジットカードをご利用いただきたい方も、お客様をサポートします。今日からご滞在を予約し、Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danangで最高級の贅沢とリラクゼーションを体験してください。

Bathroom in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang
Toilet, Bathroom in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang










Fitness centre/facilities, Fitness Center/Facilities in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang
Fitness centre/facilities in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang


屋外, 子供専用

オールシーズン, 浅いエリア, 眺望付き, 無限

屋外, 子供専用

オールシーズン, 浅いエリア, 眺望付き, 無限

屋外, 大人専用

オールシーズン, 浅いエリア, 眺望付き, 無限

屋外, 全年齢

オールシーズン, 浅いエリア, 眺望付き, 無限

Garden, Swimming Pool in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang
Pool view, Swimming Pool in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang


Dining M

モダンな, ピザ, ローカル, アジア料理

Bar M


Bistro M

ファミリーフレンドリー, モダンな, ピザ, シーフード

Pool Bar

モダンな, ロマンチックな

Restaurant/places to eat, Food in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang
Dining area, Restaurant/Places to Eat in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang
Sea view, Swimming Pool in Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang
The hotel is very new (or at least it looks like it's been recently built) everything is very nice and clean with fantastic staff who did everything possible to make the stay as perfect as possible. The pool staff / lifesavers looked after us every day around the pool and made sure we always had fresh towels and cold drinks. Breakfast was amazing - lots of choice and all very fresh and tasty. The staff in Bistro M and at breakfast was also great - always smiling and happy to assist. The whole experience was brilliant from the minute we walked through the main door to walking out through the same door on our way back home. Will definitely be back.


Everything was amazing, from the welcome cakes to amazing breakfasts, unbelievable staff and a thank you tray of macaroons as we were long staying guests(5 days) we were also the only European people there and everyone was curious ( and very friendly) to know why we had chosen a Korean hotel. The whole experience was absolutely fabulous and would highly recommend Shilla monogram to everyone . The pools were fab and the hammocks by the beach divine. Well done to a great team.


Honestly one of the best places I've stayed. The attentive, detailed service, everything has been considered and is provided. The accommodation, the facilities, the staff, the gardens, the food were outstanding. Additionally, the other guests were considerate and shared graciously. It was never loud, and it was easy to find your own space.


Nice breakfast with lots of options, nice design and atmosphere, great staff that go out of their way to help you. 4 different pools of all sizes and depth for the whole family, great beach access, nice hot jacuzzi bath and sauna.


This was one of the most impressive resorts we've ever stayed at! The facilities, cleanliness, staff, simply amazing. Pure luxury and the pool is just stunning. Can't wait to come back! Thank you Shilla and your beautiful staff!


The hotel is very new (or at least it looks like it's been recently built) everything is very nice and clean with fantastic staff who did everything possible to make the stay as perfect as possible. The pool staff / lifesavers looked after us every day around the pool and made sure we always had fresh towels and cold drinks. Breakfast was amazing - lots of choice and all very fresh and tasty. The staff in Bistro M and at breakfast was also great - always smiling and happy to assist. The whole experience was brilliant from the minute we walked through the main door to walking out through the same door on our way back home. Will definitely be back.


Everything was amazing, from the welcome cakes to amazing breakfasts, unbelievable staff and a thank you tray of macaroons as we were long staying guests(5 days) we were also the only European people there and everyone was curious ( and very friendly) to know why we had chosen a Korean hotel. The whole experience was absolutely fabulous and would highly recommend Shilla monogram to everyone . The pools were fab and the hammocks by the beach divine. Well done to a great team.


Honestly one of the best places I've stayed. The attentive, detailed service, everything has been considered and is provided. The accommodation, the facilities, the staff, the gardens, the food were outstanding. Additionally, the other guests were considerate and shared graciously. It was never loud, and it was easy to find your own space.


Nice breakfast with lots of options, nice design and atmosphere, great staff that go out of their way to help you. 4 different pools of all sizes and depth for the whole family, great beach access, nice hot jacuzzi bath and sauna.


This was one of the most impressive resorts we've ever stayed at! The facilities, cleanliness, staff, simply amazing. Pure luxury and the pool is just stunning. Can't wait to come back! Thank you Shilla and your beautiful staff!


The hotel is very new (or at least it looks like it's been recently built) everything is very nice and clean with fantastic staff who did everything possible to make the stay as perfect as possible. The pool staff / lifesavers looked after us every day around the pool and made sure we always had fresh towels and cold drinks. Breakfast was amazing - lots of choice and all very fresh and tasty. The staff in Bistro M and at breakfast was also great - always smiling and happy to assist. The whole experience was brilliant from the minute we walked through the main door to walking out through the same door on our way back home. Will definitely be back.


Everything was amazing, from the welcome cakes to amazing breakfasts, unbelievable staff and a thank you tray of macaroons as we were long staying guests(5 days) we were also the only European people there and everyone was curious ( and very friendly) to know why we had chosen a Korean hotel. The whole experience was absolutely fabulous and would highly recommend Shilla monogram to everyone . The pools were fab and the hammocks by the beach divine. Well done to a great team.


Honestly one of the best places I've stayed. The attentive, detailed service, everything has been considered and is provided. The accommodation, the facilities, the staff, the gardens, the food were outstanding. Additionally, the other guests were considerate and shared graciously. It was never loud, and it was easy to find your own space.


Nice breakfast with lots of options, nice design and atmosphere, great staff that go out of their way to help you. 4 different pools of all sizes and depth for the whole family, great beach access, nice hot jacuzzi bath and sauna.


This was one of the most impressive resorts we've ever stayed at! The facilities, cleanliness, staff, simply amazing. Pure luxury and the pool is just stunning. Can't wait to come back! Thank you Shilla and your beautiful staff!



Lac Long Quan St., Dien Ngoc, Dien Ban, Quang Nam Province, Vietnam, Da Nang, 550000, ベトナム

Shilla Monogram Quangnam Danang